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remise des médailles pour tous les enfants
remise des médailles

The Kids

Skiing levels

Ski school - Montgenevre

Groupe d'enfants en ski à Montgenèvre


The Micropeaks Club

Children between 3.5 and 5,5 years old

For children who have never skied

groupe enfants ski

Beginners +

The blue mice

Children up to 5.5 years old

For children who have obtained the green mouse or Sifflote|Garolou

cours enfants Montgenèvre


The mice

Children over 6 years old

A pedagogy adapted for the greatest, extraordinary progress

Sid le meilleur

Crystal International

Entry criteria: Bronze mouse (ourson)

Acquisition of linked elementary turns on green slopes

cours de ski montgenevre

Bronze Crystal

Entry criteria: International Crystal (Flocon)

Elementary turns, skids on blue slopes

skier le week end à Montgenevre

Silver Crystal

Entry criteria: Bronze crystal (1ere étoile)

Basic parallel ski turns on blue, red track and controlled skidding.

Un moniteur de ski avec son élève en cours particulier

Vermeil Crystal

Entry criteria: Silver crystal (2eme étoile)

Controlled parallel

medaille ski

Gold crystal

Entry criteria: Vermeil crystal(3emee étoile)

Short base turns on red and black slopes. Initiation to "all snow all terrains"

Cours cristal d' argent ESI Montgenèvre

Diamond crystal

Entry criteria: Gold Crystal (étoile bronze/ argent)

Short turns cut effect, mastery of carving on all slopes.

skieur hors piste à Montgenèvre

Freeride Course

Entry criteria: Diamond crystal (étoile d'or)

Off piste adventures ✅