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Off-Piste Course | Freeride Experience in Montgenèvre

Learn the Basics and Level Up

Stages freeride Montgenèvre ESI

Discover the thrill

master the skills

off-piste adventures in Montgenevre

Stage de ski free ride Hors-piste



up to 4 participants max per instructor

choose your package

1 to 4 half-day off-piste sessions


ski pour adolescents montgenevre


snowpark montgenevre freestyle


Specialised and experienced

a one-of-a-kind experience

Techniques de ski avancées

off-piste routes

to the peaks


09:00 – 12:00
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM (December: 1:45 PM – 4:45 PM)

peak and off-peak seasons

High season

22/12 – 03/01 | 09/02 – 07/03 | 06/04 – 11/04

low season

01/12 – 21/12 | 04/01 – 08/02 | 08/03 – 05/04 | 12/04 – 20/04


I Book!

If the course you are looking for is not online, contact us



4 sessions 285€

3 sessions 225€

2 sessions 160€

1 sessions 89€


4 sessions 254€

3 sessions 205€

2 sessions 145€

1 sessions 80€


4 sessions 245€

3 sessions 198€

2 sessions 140€

1 sessions 75€


equipment to bring

Adapted clothing

a helmet

a small snack

a fully charged phone (for photos and videos)

skis or snowboard suited for off-piste (we’re happy to advise you)


a standard lift pass is usually sufficient (to be confirmed based on snow conditions)


in case of injury, illness, or student absence, lessons are non-refundable. we recommend taking out insurance that covers such risks

practical tips

materiel hors piste


what’s included

for each participant

DVA appareil de recherche de victimes en avalanches
pelle et sonde de sécurité
Shovel and probe
Small backpack
skieur hors piste à Montgenèvre


avalanche search

During your off-piste course, one or more sessions will be dedicated to learning how to use safety equipment and understanding the procedures for activating rescue services.

hors piste montgenèvre

The off-piste adventure

at the tips of the skis

An off-piste or freeride session takes place in unsecured mountain areas around Montgenevre. You’ll be guided by an experienced pro from the ski school who will accompany you to the most remote corners of Montgenevre.

the best conditions for off-piste

Off-piste skiing requires a high level of skill and experience in skiing or snowboarding. The instructors/guides who lead these freeride sessions will teach you how to read your environment to ensure you navigate safely. As snow conditions change with the weather, each day will present different challenges, whether it’s powder, heavy snow, crusty, or tracked. You’ll learn the techniques needed to adapt to varying conditions.

Good to know

hors piste à montgenevre
required skill level

For off-piste

It’s important to embrace challenges and have confidence in yourself. As for your skiing or snowboarding level: if you’ve had at least 100+ falls and can now tackle a black run with some style despite tough weather conditions, you’re good to go!

instructor off piste montgenvre

Off piste routes


The Montgenevre resort is renowned for its expansive terrain and high-quality slopes. However, Montgenevre actually hides a true gem for freeride skiing.

débutant snowboard montgenevre
an international ski domain

ideally located

Located on the border between France and Italy, Montgenèvre is renowned for having some of the best snow conditions. The off-piste terrain here is spectacular, and it’s not uncommon to find powder fields several days after a snowfall

super snowboarder hors-piste montgenevre


For all!

For first-timers as well as experts, Montgenèvre offers a wide range of slopes to suit your level and ensure you progress in the best conditions

the most renowned off-piste routes in Montgenevre

Les vallons de la Doire

Perfect for warming up, this off-piste route is easily accessible with minimal obstacles. Basically, there’s plenty of space. Many variations are possible

La petite Doire

Rather short but refined, this route features beautiful obstacles that will spice up your descent. Trees and small rocks will delight freeriders

La combe du loup

With an incredible view of the Clarée Valley, Briançon, and Serre Chevalier, this descent becomes a bit more challenging as you go, so your thighs might warm up. But it’s a highly enjoyable off-piste route

Les vallons de la Vachette

Another easy start, with some historical traces from Montgenèvre (Maginot Fortifications). Then it’s a descent through the forest in a stunning mountainous landscape with marked relief

Le grand Charvia

Start with your skis on your shoulder. A short approach walk (15 to 20 minutes), and then you’re there… The vastness, endless snowfields. Italy awaits

And then there are the others…

Those that we’re careful not to mention

Many other off-piste routes weave through the mountains around Montgenevre, and we’re happy to keep a few surprises for you.


Shuttle service


Buy your Skipass

At the ski school office

Priority lane

At the lifts

Meeting point

Center resort
